Contoh Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Profesional
Pekerjaan adalah hal pokok yang paling dicari manusia, karena pekerjaan merupakan sumber penghidupan dan penghasilan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Akan tetapi, Semakin hari perkembangan teknologi semakin mengikis lapangan pekerjaan yang biasanya diperuntukan bagi manusia, karena saat ini semakin banyak mesin-mesin canggih menggantikan peran manusia untuk melakukan sebuah pekerjaan. Meskipun demikian, tentu saja robot masih belum bisa menyamai kemampuan manusia. Banyak perusahaan terutama perusahaan asing yang masih mengutamakan manusia, karena dianggap lebih mudah diberikan instruksi dan dibekali ilmu baru.
Dan jika kita ingin bekerja di perusahaan nasional yang sudah berkiprah hingga luar negeri, atau perusahaan asing, kita harus mengajukan lamaran terlebih dahulu. Lamaran pekerjaan ini bukan sekedar selembar surat yang berisi biodata kita, lewat lamaran pekerjaan itulah kita berusaha meyakinkan para petinggi perusahaan tersebut bahwa kita memang layak ditempatkan di posisi yang sedang ditawarkan. Dan apabila perusahaan yang dimaksud adalah perusahaan asing, maka surat lamaran kerja yang dilayangkan haruslah berbahasa inggris.
Bahasa inggris saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok bagi semua orang. Apalagi pada era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini. Hampir semua bidang pekerjaan membutuhkan seorang yang setidaknya pasif dalam berbahasa inggris. Tidak hanya itu saja, bahkan siswa yang masih sekolah pun dituntut harus bisa menggunakan bahasa inggris. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris akan mempermudah posisi kita di perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan klien-klien dari luar negeri nantinya.
Membuat surat lamaran berbahasa Inggris sebenarnya tidak sulit. Hampir sama dengan surat lamaran berbahasa Indonesia. Intinya, kita harus memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu di awal surat. Kemudian masukkan latar belakang pendidikan, dan tonjolkan kelebihan kita pada surat lamaran yang kita buat tersebut.
Terdapat beberapa bagian yang harus diperhatikan dalam surat lamaran agar kita dapat dengan mudah membuat surat lamaran berbhasa inggris yang baik. Bagian – bagian tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
- Alamat Pelamar
- Tanggal Surat Lamaran
- Kepada siapa surat lamaran ditujukan. Tulis dengan urutan sebagai berikut.
- Nama pimpinan perusahaan
- Jabatan pimpinan perusahaan
- Nama perusahaan
- Alamat perusahaan
- Judul surat
- Panggilan/ sapaan penerima, Sapa/sebut nama orang yang anda kirimi surat, misalnya, Mr Lee, jika tidak ada, tulis saja “Dear Sir/Madam”
- Isi Surat lamaran, dimana disampaikan dengan singkat, padat, dan relevan.
- Penutup, Gunakan kata “your sincerely” atau “yours faithfully” sebagai penutup.
- Lalu berikan tanda tangan dan nama jelas kita.
Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat beberapa contoh surat lamaran bahasa inggris profesional berikut di bawah ini.
Bandung, October 12th 2016
To : Indonesia Cerdas Senior High School
Subject : Application for being a new English teacher staff
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am applying for the position of teacher on your institution. Here is my brief data:
Full Name : Alexander Suwiryo
Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, January 12th 1993
Eduation : English Departmennt of Language Science Faculty, Indonesia Cerdas University, Bandung
Currently, I am studying at English Departmennt of Language Science Faculty, Indonesia Cerdas University, Bandung with GPA 3.67 of 4.00 and also experienced in private teaching. Therefore, I feel confident that my educational background, experience, and career interest will meet your expectation and institution recruitment requirements.
Herebly apply to you to be able to participate in the selection referred to above, the position of English Teacher. For your consideration, I enclose here with:
- Curiculum Vitae (CV)
- Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized
- Copy of the certificate (Result Scan)
I would be available to have an interview at anytime and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Alexander Suwiryo
Bandung, October 12th 2016
Attention To:
Mr. Endro Anugrah
Resources Manager of PT. Segar Alam Abadi
Jalan Suka Asem 5 Raya No. 40B
Kota Bandung
Dear Mr. Endro Anugrah
I have read from your advertisement at on Harian Anak Bangsa, October 10, 2016 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am writing to express my interest in applying a job in your company as Marketing staff.
I am a fresh graduate from Indonesia Cerdas Harapan Bangsa Kota Bandung, Faculty of Communication, majoring in Public Communication with total GPA 3.70 of 4.00.
I see myself as a disciplined person, a hard worker, and I have a good time management. I believe I can do my best and give positive contribution to your company. I interact productively with people from diverse backgrounds and I can work well, both individually and within a team. I also have an ability to communicate and work well with people on all levels. I can also communicate in English quite well (speaking and writing).
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you, to discuss my qualification and the possibility of joining your company. My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed along this letter and you may review it for further information. I am looking forward for a possible interview with you, to discuss more about my capabilities.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Suwiryo
Bandung, October 12th 2016
Attention To:
PT. Segar Alam Abadi
Jalan Suka Asem 5 Raya No. 40B
Kota Bandung
Dear President of PT. Segar Alam Abadi,
I have read your job vacancy in Harian Anak Bangsa, October 10, 2016, that your company is looking for some employees to hold some positions. Based on the positions that you offer, I am interested to apply in Marketing Manager position,considering my background education as Marketing.
My name is Alexander Suwiryo, I am a fresh graduate from Indonesia Cerdas Harapan Bangsa University, Faculty of Economic and Business, majoring in Marketing, with total GPA 3.80 of 4.00. I consider myself having the qualifications you seek.
I have a good motivation for progress and growing, I’m eager to learn, and I can work with team or individual. Beside that, I possess adequate in Public Speaking and have good command I English (spoken and written).
With my qualifications, I am sure that I will give a great contribution for your company. Here, I enclose my:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized
- Recent Photograph 4×6
- Certificate of Public Speaking and Certificate of English Proficiency (TOEIC)
I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience to discuss further about my abilities. I hope my skills can be one of your company’s assets. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Suwiryo
Personnel Manager
PT. Segar Alam Abadi
Jalan Asam Manis Tengah 3 No. 1A
Kota Bandung
Dear Personnel Manager :
I have read from your advertisement at on Harian Anak Bangsa, October 10, 2016 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for Accounting Staff position. And here is my brief data:
Full Name : Alexander Suwiryo
Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, January 12th 1993
Eduation : Accountancy Departmennt of economic and bussiness Faculty, Indonesia Cerdas University, Bandung
I see myself as a disciplined person, a hard worker, and I have a good time management. I believe I can do my best and give positive contribution to your company. I interact productively with people from diverse backgrounds and I can work well, both individually and within a team. I also have an ability to communicate and work well with people on all levels. I can also communicate in English quite well (speaking and writing).
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you, to discuss my qualification and the possibility of joining your company. My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed along this letter and you may review it for further information. I am looking forward for a possible interview with you, to discuss more about my capabilities. With my qualifications, I am sure that I will give a great contribution for your company. Here, I enclose my:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized
- Recent Photograph 4×6
- Certificate of Public Speaking and Certificate of English Proficiency (TOEIC)
I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience to discuss further about my abilities. I hope my skills can be one of your company’s assets. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.
Bandung, October 12th 2016
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Suwiryo
Attention To:
PT. Segar Alam Abadi Komunika
Jalan Suka Asem 5 Raya No. 40B
Kota Bandung
Dear President of PT. Segar Alam Abadi Komunika,
I have read your job vacancy in Harian Anak Bangsa, October 10, 2016, that your company is looking for some employees to hold some positions. Based on the positions that you offer, I am interested to apply in Journalist position,considering my background education as Public Communication with total GPA 3.80 of 4.00. And here is my brief data:
Nama : Alexander Suwiryo
Tempat,tanggal lahir : Makasar, 18 April 1986
Alamat : Jl. Macan Tutul no.109
No.Telepon : 089321657890
I see myself as a disciplined person, a hard worker, and I have a good time management. I believe I can do my best and give positive contribution to your company. I interact productively with people from diverse backgrounds and I can work well, both individually and within a team. I also have an ability to communicate and work well with people on all levels. I can also communicate in English quite well (speaking and writing). With my qualifications, I am sure that I will give a great contribution for your company. Here, I enclose my:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized
- Recent Photograph 4×6
- Certificate of Public Speaking and Certificate of English Proficiency (TOEIC)
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you, to discuss my qualification and the possibility of joining your company. My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed along this letter and you may review it for further information. I am looking forward for a possible interview with you, to discuss more about my capabilities.
Bandung, October 12th 2016
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Suwiryo
Terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan di dalam isi surat lamaran yang diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut.
- Paragraf Pertama; Sampaikan maksud kita dan jelaskan dari mana kita tahu lowongan pekerjaan yang akan kita lamar tersebut serta tulis juga jabatan atau posisi yang kita inginkan serta alasannya
- Isi/ konten surat lamaran; kita sebutkan riwayat pendidikan dan pengalaman kita yang relevan dengan pekerjaan
- Paragraf terakhir; pada paragraph ini kita tunjukkan bahwa kita sangat berharap dipanggil untuk mengikuti sesi wawancara
Selain itu, dalam menulis surat lamaran pun kita harus memperhatikan hal – hal berikut yang sangat penting walaupun terlihat sepele. Hal – hal tersebut antara lain seperti tujuan dan alasan melamar, kerapihan surat, surat lamaran baiknya ditulis tangan yang rapih atau bisa juga diketik melalui komputer, surat lamaran harus impresif, surat lamaran harus menarik minat calon atasan, kita harus menyebutkan kualifikasi yang pernah kita raih yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang akan kita lamar di dalam surat lamaran, kita harus memperhatikan kalimat yang dipakai dalam surat lamaran serta menggunakan bahasa yang enak dibaca, ringkas dan padat.
Itulah beberapa contoh mengenai contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang profesional. Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan mengenai membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang resmi dan baik.
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