Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Accounting Bahasa Inggris di Berbagai Bidang Usaha
Accounting dalam suatu lembaga, instansi atau perusahaan memiliki fungsi dalam administrasi keuangan secara periodik. Perannya yang krusial membuat sistem perekrutan accounting membutuhkan spesifikasi khusus.
Surat lamaran kerja untuk bagian accounting pada umumnya sama dengan surat lamaran untuk posisi lain yang ada di perusahaan. Bagian pembuka memuat tujuan surat lamaran kerja. Bagian isi surat menyebutkan relevansi pengalaman dan pendidikan pelamar kerja dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk posisi accounting pada perusahaan terkait.
Penulisan surat lamaran kerja untuk posisi accounting dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris mengikuti kaidah dan struktur yang sama, mulai dari bagian pembuka, isi surat dan penutup. Sama halnya dengan penulisan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, dalam penulisan surat lamaran kerja untuk posisi accounting menggunakan bahasa Inggris perlu memperhatikan pemilihan kata baku yang biasa digunakan dalam dunia profesional.
Berikut beberapa Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Accounting Bahasa Inggris di Berbagai Bidang Usaha
Jakarta, April 29th 2019
Head Subdivision of Human Resources
PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero)
Jl. Pramuka Sari 1, No. 7 C, Rawasari, Cempaka Putih
Jakarta Pusat
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Renatha Valery and I am 25 years old. I was majoring Accounting, Bachelor degree Graduate with GPA 3.53 from Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Old Batavia, Jakarta.
Reffering to official website of PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) which have announced open recruitment, please accept my application in consideration of position for Accounting. After reviewing the description, I believe I could meet the qualifications due to my accounting/tax background.
In my experience with a CPA firm dan private business I have had the opportunity to familiarize myself with a variety of accounting specialities and principles. I am confident that my detail oriented habits will aid in the efficiency of institution of PT. Jasa Raharja while my productive manner will make me a seamless addition in institution. With these qualifications, I believe I will be able to make valuable contribution.
I consider my self to be well organized, self motivated, dynamic and productive. I am also open to additional training.
For review and further reference, I have attached my curriculum vitae. Other data will be available upon request.
It is my intention to establish a time when we can further discuss how my experience, responsibility and self-motivation will fit the needs of the institution.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing a good news soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Renatha Valery
Manokwari, April 29th 2019
Human Resource Department
PT. Reremi Jaya Steel
Manokwari Business Center
Jl. Sudjarwo Condronegoro No. 67, Manokwari Barat
Manokwari, Papua Barat
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Miko Limboni and I am 25 years old. I was majoring Accounting, Bachelor degree Graduate with GPA 3.53 from Universitas New Kumurkek, Papua Barat.
I have information that your company is looking for new employee. Please accept my application in consideration of position for Accounting. After reviewing the description, I believe I could meet the qualifications due to my accounting/tax background.
In my experience with a CPA firm dan private business I have had the opportunity to familiarize myself with a variety of accounting specialities and principles, familiarity with federal and state laws/regulations and communication skills. I am confident that my detail oriented habits will aid in the efficiency of your institution while my productive manner will make me a seamless addition in your team.
With these qualifications, I believe I will be able to make valuable contribution in your company.
I consider my self to be well organized, self motivated, dynamic and productive. I am also open to additional training.
For your review and further reference, I have attached my curriculum vitae. Other data will be available upon request.
It is my intention to establish a time when we can further discuss how my experience, responsibility and self-motivation will fit the needs of your company.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing a good news from you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Miko Limboni
Bogor, April 29th 2019
Human Resource Department
PT. Media Badung Cipta Hantar
Manokwari Business Center
Jl. Tubagus Halimun No. 80, Tuban
Badung, Bali
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Hastari Bethania and I am 25 years old. I was majoring Accounting, Bachelor degree Graduate with GPA 3.38 from Universitas Badung Economical, Bali.
Based on announcement of opening recruitement in your official website that your company is looking for Accounting, please accept my resume in consideration of the vacant position. After reviewing the description, I believe I could meet the qualifications due to my accounting/tax background.
In years of my experience with a CPA company, I have had the opportunity to familiarize myself with a variety of accounting specialities and principles, familiarity with federal and state laws/regulations and communication skills. I am confident that my detail oriented habits will aid in the efficiency of your institution while my productive manner will make me a seamless addition in your team.
With these qualifications, I believe I will be able to make valuable contribution in your company.
I consider my self to be well organized, self motivated, dynamic and productive. I am also open to additional training.
For your review and further reference, I have attached my curriculum vitae. Other data will be available upon request.
It is my intention to establish a time when we can further discuss how my experience, responsibility and self-motivation will fit the needs of your company.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing a good news from you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Hastari Bethania
Demikian beberapa Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Accounting Bahasa Inggris di Berbagai Bidang Usaha. Semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan.
Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesamaan nama/tempat/informasi lain karena surat yang dibuat hanya bertujuan sebagai percontohan tanpa ada maksud apapun.
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