Contoh Surat Acknowledgement yang Baik dan Benar
Acknowledgement dalam arti katanya adalah pengakuan, tanda terima, penghargaan. Surat acknowledgement dibuat sebagai tanda tertulis penerimaan akan sesuatu hal, dokumen, atau pesan serta apresiasi atau ucapan penghargaan atas penerimaan akan hal tersebut.
Selain hal tersebut, dalam surat ini juga disebutkan tindak lanjut yang akan dilakukan antara pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam surat acknowledgement.
Hal-hal yang tercantum dalam surat acknowledgement antara lain :
- Tujuan Surat
Surat acknowledgement mencantumkan nama orang atau perusahaan yang dituju dengan instansi atau perusahaan yang terkait.
- Pembuat Surat
Pembuat surat menuliskan nama atau posisi nya dalam hal terkait isi surat acknowledgement.
- Isi Surat
Surat acknowledgement berisi apresiasi atas penerimaan antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Hal tersebut dapat berupa ucapan penghargaan atau terima kasih atas diterimanya suatu hal, dokumen, atau pesan.
Berikut beberapa Contoh Surat Acknowledgement yang Baik dan Benar
From :
The Secretary
PT. Hexagon International Zachsen
Batam Centtral Business Development
Jl. Raja Ali Kelana No. 38, Baloi Permai, Kota Batam
Kepulauan Riau
PT. Asahan Prima Source
Jl. Abulyatama No. 53, Belian, Kota Batam, Kep. Riau
Subject : Cloud Election Survey Service Software
With this letter we hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 0115/ASP/IV/2019 you have submitted on April 05th, 2019 along with 13 copies of the application on the above mentioned project.
Your letter has been forwarded to respective department, and they shall proceed immediately with inquiries in an effort to disseminate information in accordance with your letter. You will be dully informed regarding progress of procedur.
Please quote the reference number given below in all of your future correspondence with PT. Hexagon International Zachsen on the above mentioned project.
Reference number (will be given by TDB)
Yours faithfully,
Harto Gerung
Subang, 17 April 2019
Mr. Jentra Poska
Jl. Pasir Menyan No. 31, Sukamandi, Sagalaherang, Subang
Subject : Receipt of your job application
Dear applicant,
We appreciate your interest in our company for the position of Managing Director and we acknowledgement receipt of your resume for the same. We are in the process of screening all the resumes and will be short listing the candidates whose educational qualifications, experience and other interests meet our requirements.
Our review period is two weeks and if our HR department finds that your resume matches with our requirements we will remain in touch with you and will provide you with the date, time and venue of the interview. We will notify all the applicants about our decision latest by Monday of next week. We hope you have an opprtunity to discuss your skills in detail with us, but if we do not have an opening at this time we will retain your resume for next six months and will get back to you.
Thank you for the time you have given. We wish you success in all your endeavors.
Yours Faithfully,
Dibjo Destraras
Hiring Department Manager
First of all, the writer give thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, because of Allah’s blessing the writer coould finished the research with the title “Election for Society Arround Cibinong Residence and the Right of Choice”.
On this occasion, the writer would not forget to thank profusely each and every citizen of Cibinong Residence who helped assisted the preparation of the research, especially to the honorable :
- Drs. Alex Badra, M.Sos., as sub-distric head of Cibinong Residence
- H. Juono K. as village chief and community leader of Cibinong Residence
- My father, mother, and all of beloved family of mine, who had gave the writer spirit and full support to finished the research.
- All beloved friends of mine for the cooperation and motivation.
The writer realized that in the preparation on papers is not perfect yet. The suggestions and constructive criticsm would be precisely needed. For any ahort comings and mistaken, the writer would like to ask apology. Hopefully this paper will be useful for all of the readers.
Bogor, 16 April 2019
Ane Rumba
Demikian beberapa Contoh Surat Acknowledgement yang Baik dan Benar. Semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda yang sedang menulis format surat acknowledgement.
Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesamaan nama/tempat/informasi lain karena surat yang dibuat hanya bertujuan sebagai percontohan tanpa ada maksud apapun.
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